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Winter Break Announcements

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Name WICS Date17-12-13 17:44 Hit14,264


Dear Parents,

As Christmas approaches, we would like to direct your attention to the following important dates and information.

Firstly, final exams will take place Friday, December 15th, through Tuesday, December 19th. During these special exam days, no regular classes will be held and students will be dismissed before lunch. Though it is often tempting for students to stay up late studying for tests, please remind your children of the importance of rest, healthy eating, and stress-relieving activities like stretching or listening to music. The harder students work, the more rest they need, so please encourage your children to take care of themselves these next two weeks.

Secondly, our semester-end chapel for students and schoolwide cleaning day will take place Wednesday, December 20th, students are required to arrive at school by 8:15 a.m., as usual. We will have our last chapel service of the semester then will clean the school. After cleaning, the school will provide pizza to students. Please note that students do not need to bring their own lunches on the 20th or on any of the final exam days (December 15th, 18th, and 19th). Students will be dismissed at or before 12:00 pm.

Winter Break will last from Thursday, December 21st, through Thursday, January 4th. During this time, students will be required to read a book approved by their homeroom teacher.

Thirdly, when students return to school on January 5th, their class schedule will be the same as first semester. They should arrive by 8:15 a.m. in their school uniforms. As a reminder, school uniforms must include the following:

·         white dress shirt

·         tie or ribbon

·         vest

·         jacket

·         WICS pin

·         shorts or skirt

·         socks or stockings

·         white indoor shoes

Uniforms will be checked to ensure all pieces are worn, of appropriate size, and well-maintained (no missing buttons).

As always, we thank you for your faithful prayer and support. May God richly bless you this Christmas season!


WICS Staff​