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Moving Notice / 移転のお知らせ

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Name Subadmin Date19-03-18 15:00 Hit15,330


Hello Parents!  

This is Dong-yeol Kwak, president of WICS. May the peace of the Lord be with all of the WICS families. First, I want to thank you for your continuous support and prayer which has helped WICS grow. WICS will already be celebrating their 3rd anniversary on February 19th, 2019. That being said, many students have joined us this year and we’ll also have one high school graduate. As a result, I have decided to move WICS to a new campus to provide our students with a better educational environment. They will be able to study at a new campus which was newly built last year. It’s clean, quiet, close to a park and big playground, and also close to the golfing facility. If everything goes according to plan, moving day will be between the last week of March and early April . We will let you know if there are any changes.

The address and phone number of the new campus are:

Okubo 2-23-9, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan

(Currently the Shin-Okubo branch of Tokyo Waseda Foreign Language School)


Please keep praying that all of our students can continue studying joyfully and in good health.


いつも私たちWICSのために温かい声援と祈りを捧げてくださり感謝いたします。この度、2019年2月19日をもちまして、私たちWICSは3年目を迎えることとなりました。この3年の間に、たくさんの学生がWICSに入学をし、今年初めて12年生の高校生が卒業することになります。それに伴いまして、学生のより良い教育環境のためにWICSは新しい校舎に引っ越すことになりました。全ての学生は昨年建てられました新しい建物で勉強することになります。 きれいで静かな新しい校舎には、近くに大きな公園があり、ゴルフ練習場にも近く、学生にとりまして最適な場所でございます。現時点の予定ですと、3月末から4月初頃の間に引っ越しをする予定でございます。変更等がございましたら、決まり次第、改めてお知らせさせていただきます。


〒169-0072 東京都新宿区大久保2-23-9




President of WICS Kwak, Dong-Yeol / 理事長 郭東烈